6 Subject With Good Prospects (5 Years Ahead) In Indonesia

Want to browse? Should Select Programs? Of course you should choose a good prospective majors and certainly in accordance with interests and talents. Well, because choosing the department was not like choosing clothing that can keep new replaced if we are not satisfied. While it is certainly majors following better if you choose.

However, in the selection of majors that you should follow your interests and talents. So that when the college does not become a burden while studying. For example for a weak count but goes into the majors full count, or vice versa. Of course it will make you very encumbered in through college.

By choosing one of the majors that is in this list, it does not mean a job guarantee will be waiting for you. Remember! All back to yourself each and success is in your own hands.

Here are the majors that good prospects in the future:

  • Mining & Petroleum
Until now, the oil industry is still going to be excellent for a lucrative salary. The opening of a new field in Cepu and Ujung Pangkah well as a large gas field in Natuna waters promise a great job for the Department of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics Agency (MIPA concentration of Physics Physics of the Earth). Majors was still very little, while the needs of many. Do not fear you can not work. The demand is so great. Salary? do not ask, the work of 15 years may be sufficient to fund your retirement.

The opening of the coal field also create opportunities sizeable mining graduates. It's just big enough graduates mine, sekitr 2000 every year. Some of the famous College majoring in Mining & Perminyakannya the ITB with its FTTM, Unsri, Trisakti, and UPN Veteran Yogyakarta.

Highway construction projects launched by the government thousands of kilos to make the construction field bright prospect. Besides development certainly more quickly with the smooth transportation. For Civil Engineering, College of famous is the ITB with his FTSL Concentration Toll Road and to my knowledge the best in Jakarta State Polytechnic (PNJ).

  • Electrical Engineering / Telecommunications

Guaranteed, Telecommunication very prospective field to 10 years. Both for vendors and operators. Consider good to go in Electrical Engineering Telecommunication concentration. Elektro best telecom and IT Telkom still held STEI ITB with her.

  • Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Physics, Industrial Engineering
The government launched the acceleration ratio of electricity by building power plants whose total capacity of about 10000 MW to 5 years. And also some other mega projects involving various engineers, mainly graduates of Engineering Physics, Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Industrial Engineering. Is the famous UI, UGM and ITB with its FTMD.

  • Computer Science / Computer Science / Information Technology

Clearly, we need a good IT person Fasilkom, IF or equivalent. Field work will never run out. nyari opportunity sizeable project. For example, as a web developer. Many agencies will start to care about making a web. Rate is quite high, at Jogja rate for full web-making around 2.5 million to 3 million. It has not been added maintanance. Greater opportunities if you master Linux, because now many agencies are switching to Linux. Tips, continues to update capability. Very prospects for the current dot net developer. Universities are famous for their IT departments, namely Bina Nusantara (Binus), UI and ITB with its STEI.

  • Nuclear engineering 

Remember, the Government has launched Indonesia ready to have nuclear power plants. And nuclear plants will be built soon. Universities are opening this course very few, one of which is the UGM.

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